Are you ready to take back control of your own life? Becoming a Secured Party Creditor is the first step towards this goal. This process includes everything that needs to be done to establish a superior interest in the debtor trust.


Documents that are included in this filing.

·         Security Agreement

·         Common Law Copyright

·         Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement

·         UCC Financing Statement

·         Declaration of Trust

·         and more.


Benefits of Becoming a SPC


1.     Separates with specific distinction the flesh and blood man from the fictitious corporate entity.

2.     Reserves/Secures rights and interests (Remember you have no rights unless they are asserted.)

3.     Creates the ability to proceed in other filings/venues etc…

4.     establish a superior interest in the debtor trust.

5.     establishes a Common Law Copyright

6.     defines penalties for violations of rules and rights.





UBOT: unincorporated pure trust.



Welcome to our offer of international trust legal figures. We are here to offer you a practical and secure solution for the management of your assets. The trust is a legal figure that allows a person or entity (the settlor) to transfer the ownership of an asset to a third person (the trustee) to administer it in accordance with the terms established in the international trust contract. This legal figure is a useful tool for asset management, as it allows settlors to transfer ownership of their assets to a third party without having to give up their ownership. This means that the settlor remains the owner of the assets, but the trustee oversees administering them according to the terms set out in the International Trust contract. This legal figure is an excellent option for those who want to manage their assets safely and efficiently. We offer a wide range of Trust International legal figures to meet your needs. We are sure you will find the perfect solution for your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

What is an International Trust?


An international trust is a legal arrangement whereby ownership of an asset is transferred to a fiduciary entity (called the trustee) for specific purposes. This entity is responsible for managing the asset for the benefit of one or more beneficiaries.

It also allows estate holders to transfer ownership of their assets to a third party, known as the trustee, for administration. The trustee is responsible for administering the assets in accordance with the terms of the International Trust. This means that the trustee is responsible for administering the assets in accordance with the wishes of the estate holder. This means that the equity holder can set the terms of the International Trust to protect their assets from taxes, creditors, and other financial problems.

A trust also allows the owner of the estate to set the terms of the distribution of assets. This means that the owner of the estate can set the terms of the distribution of the assets to his heirs, allowing him to ensure that his assets are distributed according to his wishes.

In short, it is a legal tool that allows a person to transfer ownership of their assets to a third party for management. This tool allows estate holders to protect their assets from taxes, creditors, and other financial problems. This tool also allows the estate holder to set the terms of the distribution of assets to his heirs. If you are looking to protect your wealth, an International Trust can be an excellent option.


What benefits can I get with an international trust?

The legal figure of the trust offers numerous benefits to its holders. This legal tool is a safe and effective way to manage and protect the assets of a person or entity.

First, an International Trust offers legal protection for a person's assets. This means that the assets are safe from any legal claims, whether from creditors or third parties. This is especially useful for those who want to protect their assets for the future.

In addition, it offers a secure way to manage a person's assets. This means that the assets will oversee a trustee, who will oversee administering the assets according to the terms of the International Trust. This ensures that the goods are managed responsibly and safely.

Finally, it is a safe way to transfer assets from one person to another. This means that goods can be transferred safely and seamlessly to a designated person or entity. This is especially useful for those who want to transfer their assets to a particular person, such as a child or spouse.

This legal figure has numerous benefits for its holders. This legal tool is a safe and effective way to manage and protect the assets of a person or entity. This ensures that the goods are safe from any legal claims, are managed responsibly and are safely transferred to a designated person or entity. For these reasons, an International Trust is an excellent tool for those who want to protect their assets for the future.

An international trust can provide several benefits, including:


1.     Asset protection: An international trust can help protect assets from tax, litigation, and debt, because the assets within the trust are protected from creditors and lawsuits.


2.     Estate planning: An international trust can help establish an estate plan to transfer assets to heirs efficiently and effectively.


3.     Anonymity: An international trust can provide a degree of anonymity, as the beneficiaries are not necessarily mentioned in the trust documents.


4.     The figure of the Trustee has certain benefits such as that you can make use of all the properties of the Trust, without these being considered property of the Trustee.


5.     Flexibility: An international trust offers great flexibility as to how assets can be managed and distributed. It allows you to customize layouts to meet individual needs and goals.


6.     Asset protection in case of breach of contract: An International Trust can be used to protect assets in case of breach of contract or debts.


7.     Tax planning: International trusts can help reduce the tax burden on wealth and income.


8.     Perpetual duration: International trusts can be established to last indefinitely, allowing for long-term succession planning.


9.     Confidentiality: Information about the assets and dispositions of the trust are protected by bank secrecy and privacy.


What is the best country to establish an International Trust?

There is no country that is universally considered the best to establish an international trust. The choice will depend on the individual needs and goals of each person or entity. Some factors to consider when choosing a country to establish an international trust include:

Trust laws: Some countries have more favorable laws than others for international trusts.

Confidentiality and privacy: Some countries offer more protection of privacy and bank secrecy than others.

Tax planning: Some countries have more lenient tax laws than others and may offer a greater reduction in the tax burden.

Reputation: Some countries have a stronger reputation than others for political and economic stability.

Some countries that are often considered to establish international trusts include the Cayman Islands, Malta, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, Jersey, and Guernsey.


It is possible that there are specific considerations related to tax law and regulations in any country, even those mentioned, because basically the positive rules are changing, you must be careful before establishing a trust anywhere. Therefore, it is recommended to seek advice from a subject matter expert before establishing your Trust definitively in a State.


Are there different types of International Trusts?

Yes, there are several types of international trusts, including:

1.     Trusts inter vivos or Trusts in life: created and active during the life of the grantor.

2.     Revocable trust: can be modified or revoked in its entirety by the grantor.

4.     Irrevocable trusts: cannot be modified or revoked by the grantor once constituted.


5.     Unincorporated pure trusts.

6.     International sovereign trusts.

7.     Asset protection trusts.

These last three are dedicated here.

These are just a few examples of the types of international trusts that exist. The choice of a type of trust will depend on the individual needs and objectives of each man or entity.

What type of Trust do I need?

The type of Trust to be established will depend on the objectives to be met and what you want to do with the Trust. A good way to protect assets is through a Pure and Irrevocable Natural International Trust.

Questions & Answers

1.     What is an International Trust?

A trust is a legal agreement between a settlor (the one who creates it) and a trustee (the one who receives the assets). The settlor transfers assets to a trustee to administer them according to the established terms.

1.     What types of trusts are available for sale?

International trusts can vary by state, but generally include probate, life, asset protection, gift, investment, and security.

1.     What documentation is needed to buy an international trust legal figure?

To purchase this legal figure, you need a copy of the trust document (its incorporation), a copy of the identification of the settlor and the trustee, and a copy of the settlor's tax return. In addition, a copy of the trustee's tax return is needed if it is created for investment purposes.


How much does an International Trust cost?


Full International Trust documents cost $300, including among other things:

1.     a) Declaration of the Trust

2.     b) Certification of the Trust

3.     c) Acts of trustees for opening a bank account, for the establishment of Trust certificates, etc.

4.     d) Trust Certificates for beneficiaries, up to 5 free beneficiaries.


The sale of legal figures of Trust International misnamed trust is an excellent option for those who want to protect their assets and ensure the safety of their assets. This legal concept offers a variety of benefits, such as the protection of assets, the security of funds, flexibility in the administration of assets and the protection of the interests of beneficiaries. This legal figure is an excellent option for those who want to ensure the security of their assets and protect their assets.




This is a bond that is notified to the treasury or treasury, taxation, for tax exemption.

Since the living man cannot be enslaved with a birth certificate to pay taxes through the legal fiction of him. This bond makes an exemption contract with the state.

Requirements: have completed the procedures of the insured party.

You will receive the respective documents in your name and necessary procedures.





The client who hires any of these services assumes full responsibility for the appropriate or inappropriate use of the documents he receives, he cannot sue the grantor of the documents after payment of these.




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Este libro que comienzas te hará reflexionar, crear disonancia cognitiva, incredulidad, cuestionar el sistema que creías estaba hecho a tu favor para respetar tu vida desde el nacimiento y tus derechos inalienables. Pues resulta que no es así. Me puedes creer no, de igual manera, investiga por tu cuenta y valida la información por ti mismo.

Resulta fundamental hoy en día recordar los principios que rigen nuestro comportamiento humano, aquí ofrezco una breve visión personal sobre la conciencia, como nacemos con una impronta moral biológica y que tiene que ver todo ello y más allá con la ley natural. Desde que venimos a este mundo comercian con nosotros sin saberlo, y como todo negocio, tenemos que dar nuestro consentimiento, sin consentimiento no hay libertad, no hay contrato. Sin embargo, nuestro derecho a la propiedad se nos es negado, sin propiedad no hay como comerciar.

Explico los fideicomisos del CEST QUE (VIE) TRUST, que antecede el uso del certificado de nacimiento y el uso del fraude del nombre legal, el acta de nacimiento. Para lo cual se añade cómo corregir tu estatus legal. Además del fraude de los abogados y jueces. Notificaciones legales en forma de contrato para evidenciar fraudes corporativos son incluidas en el presente trabajo. Incluso hemos creado la primera ASOCIACION DE MIEMBROS PRIVADA SOBERANA a la cual te puedes unir si lo deseas, según requisitos, después de leer este libro.

Para finalizar deseo también que sepas a que te enfrentas cuando leas este libro. Y te posiciones activamente sobre la importancia de conocer y saber tus derechos una vez que naces e interaccionas diariamente con tu mundo real.


CREACIÓN DE DINERO EMPODERAMIENTO (Spanish Edition) Paperback – November 16, 2023

Spanish Edition  by Ramón Martínez López (Author)

Si el dinero se ve simplemente como una herramienta utilizada para facilitar las transacciones, solo se deben considerar aquellos medios que son fácilmente aceptados a cambio de bienes, servicios y otros activos. Muchas cosas, desde piedras hasta tarjetas de béisbol, han cumplido esta función monetaria a lo largo de los siglos.

Este libro también es útil para limpiar la energía del dinero y del sistema financiero.